Typically, sound theological doctrines and their associated terminologies should not generate an overly negative reaction within the heart of a Christian. However, the term “Vicarious Redemption”, does have that effect on me unfortunately. Oh not because of the deeply wonderful meaning that it holds for the Christian, especially in light of Easter Sunday approaching, but for the profoundly negative experience that accompanied it once, many years ago in my personal life and ministry.

I was asked to preach on Sunday morning at a church in whose pastor had just been arrested for child molestation, several months after his wife had committed suicide. The devastation was immense and the congregation was in desperate need of compassion and hope. It was a prime example of the type of destruction that Satan, the 'accuser of the brethren', would like to bring to each of our doors.  "Steal, kill, and destroy!"  That's what Jesus said Satan wanted to do to us, and man did he ever succeed in that battle.  Of course, I was woefully inadequate for the task that day, as would any human instrument be, but I believed that by God’s grace and mercy, the Holy Spirit did pour out His love and compassion and hope was restored, even in the midst of the overwelming anguish. The next day however, I discovered that tares had been sown among the wheat on that painful morning, in the form of a local journalist who proudly bore the badge of a radical, atheist activist.

He came to spy out the destruction that Satan had wrought on that unsuspecting body of believers and joyfully publish his twisted findings on his blog site entitled, you guessed it, “Vicarious Redemption”. He viewed his warped calling in life to be that of an atheist martyr of sorts, who sacrificially and courageously infiltrates behind the enemy lines of Christendom, gathers damning intelligence reports on their nefarious activities, and then exposes them to the world, thus saving and redeeming them from the deceptive dogmas of Christ followers everywhere. He wrote several stinging articles and chat room comments concerning his visit.

A few weeks ago, as I was making my way through a theological study on the subject of Christology, and I was reminded of the incident when reading a paragraph on the substitutionary death of Christ. It illustrated the fact that the entire New Testament emphasis is founded upon this, (1)“vicarious, meaning, ‘one in place of another’, …substitutionary nature of Christ’s death”. Of particular interest was the discussion on the Greek prepositions ‘anti’, meaning ‘instead of’, and ‘huper’, meaning, ‘in place of’, which are both critical components of this doctrine. I just so happened to be currently teaching from a passage of scripture that supports this doctrine, so I was keenly aware of what I was reading and I began to meditate on its implications in light of the passage I was studying. (2)“For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for (huper or in place of) the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit…” It’s such a beautiful truth of scripture but it is so often forgotten or misunderstood. Christ came to take my place and to sacrifice himself in order to save me from a fate that I deserved. (3)“Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us…”

The atheist blogger understood the concept well, however perversely he may have applied it in his attempt to discredit the original author. That is why the word ‘anti’ really caught my attention and it reminded me of the counterfeit nature of Satan himself. We tend to view the scriptural personality of the ‘Anti-Christ’ as a maniacal figure who won’t appear until long after the Christian’s have been raptured away and we are therefore are not very concerned about his impact upon our lives. However, the Apostle John was quick to point out that, (4)“…every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.” Of course the Antichrist is and will be against or in opposition to Christ and the Kingdom of Christ. But as his name indicates, he will also falsely offer, and from the beginning, his antichrist spirit has falsely been offering, an alternative to, or ‘instead of and in place of’, the true Christ and the salvation that He offers through His vicarious redemptive act.

The world, the flesh, and the Devil are incessantly trying to offer us an alternative to the substitutionary, vicarious redemption that Jesus Christ has freely given to us. A false christ, an inferior christ, a christ in place of, and instead of the only perfect Christ who was worthy to pay the price for our sins, and laid down His own life because of His incessant love for us.  Jesus came to deliver us from the death and destruction that Satan vehemently desires to level against us and this week, almost 2,000 years ago Jesus stood in our place. These are the thoughts that should occupy our hearts and minds this week as we reflect upon the sacrifice the Jesus Christ made on our behalf.

Works Cited

(1) Moody Handbook of Theology, Paul Enns, 1989, Moody Press, Chicago, IL. Ch. 20, pg. 232

(2) New King James Version, Holy Bible, Thomas Nelson, Inc. Publisher, 1Pet 3:18

(3) New King James Version, Holy Bible, Thomas Nelson, Inc. Publisher, Gal 3:13

(3) New King James Version, Holy Bible, Thomas Nelson, Inc. Publisher, 1 John 4:3

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