Tony Stark, the pivotal character in the fictional superhero genre film, Ironman, is a fabulously wealthy playboy genius, who makes his billions in the weapons industry, and cares for no one but himself. He takes arrogance and selfishness to a whole new level until he is abducted by terrorists, an experience that changes his life forever. Confronted with the bankruptcy of his own lifestyle, his mind is radically transformed to realize the potential of the life he has been given to be used for good. This revelation culminates in his design of an armored exoskeletal suit that gives him tremendous abilities to serve as a weapon against evil and as a force for good. 

Borrowing from the superhero concept, Christians should be able to see the comparison with our own lives. As Paul said, “…do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin, but present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.” (NKJV, Rom 6:13) Sadly, most chose the first option; arrogantly and selfishly using their bodies to fulfill their own lusts, through pornography, sexual immorality, etc… and in doing so they become a weapon in the hands of the enemy, perpetuating evil upon the earth. But our bodies and our very lives can become a weapon, or an instrument in the hands of God to do His work, and accomplish His will, as we, “…walk in a new life… dedicated to God… as a soldier renders his service to his sovereign…” (Alford, Rom 6:13)  But before our bodies can make that transition, our minds must first be transformed.  That is why Paul exhorts us to, “…present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Rom 12:1-2) 

After coming to Christ, the Christian mind and heart must be regenerated, washed, and sanctified from the perversions and deceptions that are prevalent in our world. This is the function of the Holy Spirit and he is faithful to perform it, but only if we are willing to let Him. The patterns of sin in our life become deeply engrained in our minds, which we now know to be scientifically accurate, as well as in keeping with biblical principles. Chemicals within the brain such as, dopamine and oxytocin, act to strengthen our often repeated tendencies which give us pleasure, while at the same time, weakening those tendencies that are neglected. The problem lies in that these chemicals are, “…values-neutral. In other words… cannot tell right from wrong, or beneficial from harmful” they reward, “…all kinds of behavior without distinction.” (McIlhaney & Bush, pp.33)  So the more we engage in sexual perversion, such as pornography, the stronger the pattern of sin becomes and the harder it is to break, much in the same way as drug addiction. So we can now say, from science, “…what some have been saying for years- that the largest and most important sex organ is the brain.” (McIlhaney & Bush, pp.26)  

Combating these forces is indeed an uphill battle, because while, “The spirit indeed is willing… the flesh is weak.” (Mar 14:38) However, the mind is driving the bus of our flesh, and that is why it must be completely transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, so that the Spirit is illuminating the mind that is driving the bus. Indeed, “There must be a radical change in the inner man for one to live rightly in this evil age, “by the renewing of your mind”… new birth - new mind - new man.” (Robertson, pp. 402)  But, if the mind is completely saturated in chemicals that are continuously stimulating our tendencies to commit sin, while at the same time, the neurons and synapses that should be developing, as a result us becoming rooted and grounded in God’s truth, are being neglected; the result is a carnally minded Christian that is ineffective in their walk with the Lord, until this pattern is broken.  

So the question becomes, “how can we take action and apply this? While this may be, ground-breaking scientifically, it should come as no shock to Bible believing Christians who have known for thousands of years to, “…go and sin no more…” (John 8:11) and “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself…” (John 15:4) Through the whole counsel of Scripture, we understand this to mean that, we are to confess and repent of our sins, be in obedience to His word and His Spirit, allowing Him to wash and sanctify our minds with His word and His Spirit. Only then can these patterns of sin in our minds be transformed into patterns of righteousness. We must saturate our minds with, “whatever things are true… noble…  just… pure… lovely… are of good report… virtue… anything praiseworthy…” our minds should,  “meditate on these things.” (Php 4:8) These are actionable applications for all Christians to observe.

Works Cited:
New King James Version. Holy Bible. Thomas Nelson. Nashville, TN: 2000. Print.
Alford, Henry. The Greek Testament. Chicago, IL: Moody Press. 1968. Print.
McIlhaney, Joe and Freda Bush. Hooked. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers. 2008. Print.
Robertson, Archibald. Word Pictures in the New Testament: Romans. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press. 1931. Print.

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