Image result for serpent fruit
The Word of God tells us the real truth about man, not the lies that he likes to tell about himself through psychology, in order to ease his guilty conscience, brought on by his sinful lifestyle. Once upon a time, these two perspectives concerning the human condition were decidedly prejudicial and distinct from each other, but those days have long since passed. The “psychologizing” of our Christian Faith is an undeniably stark reality in the church today, and sadly, most pastors are encouraging this apostasy by embracing the humanistic principles that it represents, rather than exposing and expelling them from their congregations. The distinctive wavy red line appearing under the word “psychologizing” as I'm writing this, is a good indication of the contrived nature of this word, and I wish I could keep this spellcheck feature included in the text as a glaring warning, because there is no question that we need some sound biblical principles to help navigate us through the dangerous waters of this “new cultural religion for the multitudes (Hoekstra)”.

At the heart of psychology, is the need to convince everyone that it is a strictly scientific discipline, that is based on irrefutable research and clinical evidence, but that could not be further from the truth. As is the case with most of man’s theories that attempt to explain away God’s creation, without the existence of a creator, only a minor portion of psychological theory is capable of being subjected to the scientific method and thereby verified as irrefutable fact. Most of psychology is based on the man-centered philosophy that man is the god of himself and is therefore capable of saving himself thru education, therapy, scientific research and development (drugs), and the support of other human beings who are just as lost as he is. 

However, the problem lies in the fact that the church is now falling for this same deception and has allowed God’s Word to be twisted and redefined into a man-centered theology that is more in-line with modern psychology than with the historic Christian faith. Even the most basic of Christian teachings and doctrines found in God’s word are being infiltrated and subverted by the influences of psychology. Christian counseling for instance; once clearly defined and understood by the church, as being accomplished through the consistent teaching, reading, and studying of the Word of God, accompanied by the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit in the believers life, and the counsel of godly men in the church, speaking biblical truth and wisdom into the receptive heart. 

This, in large part, has been replaced by pseudo-Christian philosophies, psycho-babel, and even psycho-heresies that are professed by prominent radio and television personalities, and self-help books written by secular trained psychologists, who just so happen to be Christians. Both use the same methods the world does to combat the issues that trouble us all in life, but these methods are often in direct conflict with the Bible, and at their core, presuppose that God doesn’t even exist. While many may come away having been helped to some varying degrees by these approaches, and there are certainly cases that could benefit from them, the ends often do not justify the means, because the long-term damage that is caused to the body of Christ.

The need for counseling in the first place, points us to the heart of this issue and that is the, “Problem of Sin”. The Bible is clear about the fact that man is fallen and has come horribly short in regards to his relationship with his creator. This fallen-ness manifests itself in many diverse ways and has many symptoms, but it must be acknowledged that man does not measure up to what he was created to do; and that is to walk through the garden of paradise, in the cool of the day with his creator, free from guilt and shame, because he is free of sin. Therefore, because he has fallen, and is manifestly unable to do this, he has many overwhelming problems in coping with life’s challenges, which in many cases bring him to the brink of depression and even desperation. His sin nature drives him to attempt to fulfill the lusts of his flesh, but it can never be satisfied and it produces in him what psychologists would call, a psychotic break.

Failing to see that the only way to return from this point of no return, is to acknowledge that he is a sinner, to repent of his sins, and to accept Christ’s offer of salvation and the blood sacrifice that was shed for his sins; he continues on this path until the pressures of life cause him to lose his mind, take his own life, or go to a priest of the religion known as secular humanism, i.e. a psychologist, who quickly convinces him there is no need to feel guilty because he is not a sinner at all, he just has some chemical imbalances that are causing psychological disorders or dysfunctions to manifest themselves. 

He says to them, “You’re not a sinner, you’re just, co-dependent. You are a victim of your environment, and you have a disease, and that is what is causing you to act out in such a selfish way and to exhibit these terrible behaviors, (i.e. “works of the flesh”). But it’s nothing that can’t be cleared up with psychotropic drugs and group therapy! (Hoekstra)”  And so, you see that man has cured himself of his problem of sin, and no longer needs God to save him from his sins; he just needs a 12 step program and Prozac to bring some balance back into his life. Tragic but true, and the church is swallowing this, psychologizing of the faith, hook, line, and sinker; allowing it to replace the saving grace of God which liberates man from the bondage of sin, with the cheap imitation that Satan offers.

As Christians we are to follow after Christ, become His disciples, take up His cross, deny ourselves, humble ourselves and seek after His will for our lives. Not holding our lives dear to ourselves but submitting to Him as a servant, a slave. But this is far from the cries from “Self-esteem and Self promotion, that we find taught in churches today. Improve yourself, be good to yourself, have your best life now! (Hoekstra)” That is the cry of the psychologized church today, and humility and servant hood have passed from the vocabulary of the modern Christian dictionary. Ask not what I can do for God but what can God do for me? That is the anthem we hear sung by our secularized church goers today. 

We all desire to live lives filled with love, peace, joy, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, meekness, and self-control; oddly enough, that is exactly what we are promised if we allow the life of Jesus to live through us by the power of His Holy Spirit. These fruits of His Spirit in our lives are signs of His all sufficiency at work in our lives. We are complete in Him if we allow Him to have His way with us; sanctifying, cleansing, and knitting us together with other Christians into His body that we may bear fruit for His kingdom. But again, this old fashioned notion surely must not be scientific enough because it has been replaced by personal development seminars and self-improvement books that teach us how to be self-actualize, be more assertive, and realize our true potential within. 

Truly, Christ is all sufficient for us, and He not only can, but He wants to communicate this to us thru the work of His Holy Spirit and His Word. We can either choose to believe that it is inspired by God our creator, and is therefore trustworthy and authoritative in our lives, and that it has the final word in any and all matters that concern our life; or it isn’t. This is a critical factor in resolving problems that arise in your life. Are you going to acknowledge what the Word of God says about this, believe it, accept it, and diligently apply it to your life, trusting that God will honor His Word, and bring a change to the situation; or will you disregard it and pretend that it doesn’t apply specifically to your situation because you are a special case? 

Sadly, this is the case of the psychologized church, because they have relegated the Bible into a subservient position below that of man’s knowledge and wisdom; and the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life to mere myth and legend. The supreme goal of knowing and loving God above all else and seeking to be found in him, abounding in His grace and peace has been replaced by the selfish dream of knowing oneself and loving oneself no matter how wicked you might be. After all, “You have to be able to love yourself before you can love others right? I’m ok… you’re ok…etc…”

How foolish of us to have rejected the fountains of living water that our Heavenly Father makes available for us to drink from, and to drink rather from broken cisterns. How foolish of us to fall once again for the deceptive craftiness of the same serpent who once asked, “Hath God truly said?” Like the seven churches of Revelation we must repent, return to our first love, our first works, and allow Jesus to once again walk in and among us as the all sufficient Lord of our lives, who desires to heal us and wash us with the water of His Word.   

By Pastor Glen Mustian

Works Cited:
Hoekstra, Bob. The Psychologizing of the Faith. Calvary Publishing. Print. 1982.

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