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Infamous for his attempt to kill Almighty God once and for all, the eccentric German philosopher, Frederick Nietzsche (1844-1900), epitomizes the Misotheism or “God-hating” branch of modern philosophy, with its utter disdain for the notion that an omniscient, omnipresent, all-powerful and loving God could possibly be the first cause and necessary being behind our present reality. He wrote, “Whither is God? …We have killed him, you and I. All of us are his murderers… God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.”[i] Obviously, Nietzsche's point was that, people living in modern times should no longer feel the necessity to believe in God anymore, and that they would be justified in killing the idea that God ever existed. 

Citing the post-enlightenment boom of scientific discoveries, (which actually strengthen the teleological or design argument for God), he perceived a justification of his audacious claim that, “…a universe that was governed by physical laws and not by divine providence was now a reality… and Europe no longer needed God as the source for all morality, value, or order in the universe; philosophy and science were capable of doing that...”[ii] Liberated by this new understanding, modern philosophers and atheists felt, “…illuminated by a new dawn. With the old system of meaning gone a new one could be created…”; one in which God had become an obsolete concept that Nietzsche wanted to throw onto the funeral pyre of history’s dogmas and decrees, especially the ones held by Christianity. Not surprisingly, he dogmatically proclaimed himself to be; anti-democracy, anti-Christianity, anti-Judaism, anti-socialist and even, Anti-Christ!

Nietzsche viewed the Christian faith with contempt because he, "...regarded gentleness as weakness and humanitarianism as protection of the unfit and spineless.”[iii] A major proponent of the Social Darwinism that was gaining strength and acceptance in his time, he actively promoted it in order to justify the use of Germanic military power, ensuring that only the “fittest” state would survive through the cleansing hostilities of war. In fact, Nietzsche once proposed a bold challenge to the world by saying, “You say, a good cause sanctifies even war, but I say, a good war sanctifies every cause!”[iv] Nietzsche loathed the institutions of democracy and socialism because he viewed them as protecting the worthless and weak while simultaneously hindering the strong, who he believed should rightfully rule. Seeing these concepts through the lenses of historical events in Europe and especially Germany, in the mid-twentieth century, i.e. Communism, Nazism, Nationalism, the Jewish Holocaust, etc... it isn't much of a stretch to say that Nietzsche would have been supportive, and even approving of them as the offspring of his own ideologies.  

Ideas certainly have consequences and Nietzsche's expression of his, “…Übermensch.”[v] or “Superman” character, quickly began to foment in the minds of disgruntled Germans, until they ultimately inspired many of the atrocities of the first and second world wars. Originally translated as, Beyond-man, this idealistic superman figure, characterized by bravery, strength, egoism, arrogance, racism, and ruthlessness, perfectly embodied the Master Race concepts envisioned by Hitler. "The term Übermensch was utilized frequently by Hitler and the Nazi regime to describe their idea of a biologically superior Aryan or Germanic master race, and it became a philosophical foundation for the National Socialist ideology."[v] Regrettably, inherent within this postulation of a master race is the necessity for the role of an inferior race of human beings as well. Described as the, Untermenschen; these unfortunate individuals, who once being labeled as such, could be justifiably dominated, enslaved, and even exterminated. Yes, that really happened, and we can thank Nietzsche as it's grandfather and most skillful architect.

In deed, the more we know of Frederick Nietzsche and the evil's that were spawned by his philosophy of life, or more appropriately - death, the more grateful we should become of the fact that, God isn't dead after all. No, He is still reigning sovereign over His creation, impervious to the whimsical follies of puny men like Nietzsche, who see themselves as superior beings who are capable of erasing their own creator from existence, with their mere words. Most people today would be appalled by the practical applications of Nietzsche’s philosophy, but they rarely equate them with the ramifications of saying that, “God is dead!”. As a result however, the seemingly harmless assumptions of atheism are once again on the march, "...with near majorities in many European countries and newfound growth across the United States..."[vii]. Additionally, this new breed of atheists are becoming just as militant, hateful and vitriolic as Nietzsche ever was. He would be so proud!

Tragically, since God is the ultimate expression of the spiritual values and standards of morality that Nietzsche so despised, the wholesale destruction of a belief in God, which accompanies the radical atheism that he inspired, also destroys the foundation of those values and morals which provide a meaning for life. So inevitably, the lingering mantra of, "'God is dead', means that the idea of God can no longer provide values. With the sole source of values no longer capable of providing those values, there is a real chance of nihilism prevailing."[viii], which of course will be the whirlwind reaped by the acceptance of atheism in our generation as well, just as it was in the last century. Rest assured however, God isn't dead, but Nietzsche is, thank God!

By Pastor Glen Mustian

Works Cited:
[i] Nietzche, Frederick. The Gay Science. German, Die fröhliche Wissenschaft. Print. Pg. 345. 
[ii] http://bigthink.com/scotty-hendricks/what-nietzsche-really-meant-by-god-is-dead. Web. 8/12/16. 
[iii] Wallbank, Walter. Civilization Past and Present. Scott-Foreman Co. Print. 1962. (pg. 582). 
[iv] Wallbank, Walter. Civilization Past and Present. Scott-Foreman Co. Print. 1962. (pg. 582).
[v] http://bigthink.com/scotty-hendricks/what-nietzsche-really-meant-by-god-is-dead. Web. 8/12/16.
[vi] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%9Cbermensch Web. 8/08/17. 
[vii] http://bigthink.com/scotty-hendricks/what-nietzsche-really-meant-by-god-is-dead. Web. 8/12/16.
[viii] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%9Cbermensch. Web. 8/8/17.

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